Best Seller OTC Hearing Aids

Explore top-quality OTC hearing aids offering advanced technology, affordability, and convenience to enhance your hearing and fit your lifestyle.
LINNER Mars OTC Hearing Aids


  • 2024 HHTM Award Winner
  • Streaming and App control
  • Adavanced noise reduction

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LINNER Mercury OTC Hearing Aids


  • Available in 600+ Bestbuy
  • Outstanding batterylife
  • Crystal clear audio

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Free Hearing Test

Understanding your hearing situation is the first priorty before selecting hearing aids, take a free hearing test at LINNER Hearing Test within 5 mintues.

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Reviewed By Industry Experts


1051 か所、50 州、816 都市
Retailer stores

How Does LINNER Save Your Budget And Time?

LINNER hearing aids offer an affordable and convenient alternative to traditional hearing aids. With no need for costly appointments or fittings, delivering high-quality sound directly to you, saving both time and money.


OTC Hearing Aids


Prescription Hearing Aids

Not Required

Doctor Appointment


Free Online test(Clinical-accuracy!)

Hearing Test


Not Required




When Will You Receive


From $99

What You Pay


HSA/FSA Eligible

Insurance Coverage

Not Covered

Product Comparison

Easily compare our range of OTC hearing aids to find the best fit for your lifestyle and hearing needs. Discover the features, benefits, and pricing to make an informed decision.

LINNER 聴覚専門医

LINNER は、認定聴​​覚専門医と提携し、専門的なアドバイス、洞察に満ちたケーススタディ、わかりやすい聴覚アカデミーを顧客に提供することに尽力しています。


Mark A. Parker

  • PhD in Neuroscience
  • MA in Speech & Hearing Sciences
  • BS in Communication Sciences & Disorders

Ashley Tilahun

  • Licensed audiologist
  • Contracted blog writer
  • Hearing loss case study

Lindsey Banks

  • Licensed audiologist for 12 years
  • “Best Audiologist” from 2018-2021
  • Member of the Forbes Health Advisory Board

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More Than 100,000 Happy Customers


Achieve a better communication in daily dialogues


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in noisy environment


Are willing to recommend this product to their friends or family


Would consider LINNER for the next pair of heairng aids


Achieve a better communication in daily dialogues


A better understanding
in noisy environment


Are willing to recommend this product to their friends or family


Would consider LINNER for the next pair of heairng aids

Customer Survey From LINNER Facebook Group

Customer Service

I want to thank you with my heart for the replacement of the set of hearing aids l received a couple of days ago.I was in touch with one or your Customer Service ladies, and she treated me with respect and l could feel her knowledge and the attitude to help at alltimes.
You are the best!
Thank you very much. l will call again to see if i can talk to her and thank her.
You have the best December!


NOVA Lite 補聴器にとても満足していることを皆さんにお知らせしたくてメールしました。非常に快適で、最初に少し「調整」するだけで驚くほどうまく機能します。特に気に入っているのは、聴力低下を測定し、さまざまな状況や環境に合わせて補聴器を調整およびカスタマイズできるアプリです。また、私は中程度の耳鳴りがありますが、ノイズ キャンセリング システムのおかげで改善されたと思います。全体的に、この製品には非常に感銘を受けています。


👍🏻 これまでで最高のカスタマー サービスです。本当に感謝しています。私は以前補聴器を使用していましたが、手術を受けたものの聴力が適切なレベルまで回復しませんでした。私はまだ若いので、保険で補聴器の交換はできません。補聴器の品質には感心しています。耳の後ろの補聴器の方が私には合うといいのですが。ありがとうございました。


私は、Linner Mercury B410 補聴器が大好きです。とてもよく機能します。補聴器の学習とメンテナンスに役立つメールとビデオに感謝します。皆さんは素晴らしいカスタマー サービスで、素晴らしい製品を手頃な価格で提供しています。私は良い選択をしました。よく言われるように、口コミは大きな影響力を持ちます。私は口コミを持っています。だから、どこで手に入れたのかと聞かれたら、どこに送ればいいか分かっています。では、改めて感謝します。これからも素晴らしい仕事を続けてください。ケネス ゲーベル




今日は、ライナー マーキュリーのセットを受け取りましたが、素晴らしいです。皆さんからいただいたので、本当に半信半疑でしたが、驚いたことに、これらは素晴らしいです。改めて感謝申し上げます。また、Web サイトでレビューをする必要があれば、お知らせください。


LINNER Saturn CIC 補聴器を使い始めて 5 日が経ちましたが、感銘を受けています。ほとんど目立たず、日常生活にシームレスに溶け込みます。音質は期待以上で、クリアで自然なサウンドを実現します。装着しやすく目立たないので、コミュニケーションを楽に強化できます。目立たず効果的な聴覚補助を求める方にとって、素晴らしい選択肢です。


本当にありがとうございます。Mars 補聴器を受け取りました。素晴らしいです。あなたも LINNER も素晴らしいです! とても快適で、セットアップも簡単です! 補聴器を装着して再び聞こえるようになったときは、うれし涙が出そうになりました。本当に感謝しています ☺️ 皆さんに絶対にお勧めします!


素晴らしいサービスと、補聴器に関する私の問題を聞いてくださり、ありがとうございました。交換品が届くのがとても早くて驚きました。Linner の皆さん、お客様の「顧客満足」に改めて感謝いたします。

I was fortunate enough to get a set of mercury hearing aids from you because I left you a five-star review on Amazon. I have since tried these Mercury hearing aids and they are much better than my in the year AIDS and after looking at all the reviews they back me up. I would like to get a pair for my wife who also loves Them.

Reply…thank you..
I will keep checking your site for new style hearing aids in hope I can find one to work for me.
you are a very professional company and .i would like to do business with you in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions about OTC hearing aids? Linner is here to help.

What is Linner?

Linner is an online platform dedicated to providing high-quality, non-prescription OTC hearing aids. We offer affordable, convenient solutions for those seeking better hearing. By cutting out middlemen, we ensure you get the best value for your hearing needs. Whether you're new to hearing aids or looking for accessible options, we're here to help you make the right choice.

Are Linner’s hearing aids right for me?

Our OTC hearing aids are designed for mild to moderate hearing loss. If you're unsure about your hearing condition, start with our free online hearing test. It’s quick, easy, and helps us guide you to the best device for your needs.

Do I need a hearing test to buy a hearing aid?

No, you don’t need a professional hearing test to purchase our OTC hearing aids. However, we recommend taking our free online hearing test to better understand your hearing needs. It takes just a few minutes and can be done at home.

How do Linner’s hearing aids compare to traditional clinic models?

Linner offers high-quality OTC hearing aids with the same advanced features as traditional clinic models—but at a fraction of the cost. Starting at just $99, our devices provide premium hearing solutions without the need for prescriptions or expensive clinic visits.

What kind of support does Linner offer?

We believe in providing excellent customer support. From setting up your Bluetooth hearing aids to troubleshooting, our team is available for phone consultations to guide you through the process. We also offer 45-day free trials and a 1-year warranty on all our devices, ensuring that you are completely satisfied with your purchase.

How do I know if I should start using hearing aids?

If you’re experiencing difficulty hearing conversations, TV audio, or phone calls, even if it's mild, it's a good idea to consider hearing aids. Non-prescription hearing aids are a great starting point, and using them early can improve your quality of life. Hearing loss can progress over time, and the sooner you address it, the easier it is for your brain to adapt. Start with our free online hearing test to see where you stand.

Does Linner offer worldwide shipping?

Yes, we offer free worldwide shipping. Depending on your location, you can expect your order to arrive within 2-4 business days for domestic shipments, or 7-14 business days for international orders. If you need expedited shipping, feel free to reach out to our customer service team before completing your order.

Does insurance cover hearing aids?

Typically, insurance does not cover the cost of OTC hearing aids, but many of our products are eligible for reimbursement through FSA (Flexible Spending Accounts) and HSA (Health Savings Accounts). We recommend checking with your insurance provider for specific coverage options. If you need assistance understanding your benefits or exploring payment options, our customer service team is here to guide you and help ensure you get the most out of your purchase.







