hearing test

Why Take LINNER Online Hearing Tests

Clinically-validated Accuracy

Experience precision you can trust. Our hearing test is backed by clinically validated research, ensuring reliable results. Whether it’s your first hearing check or a professional reference, LINNER Hearing Test delivers science-backed accuracy.

Completely Free of Charge

our hearing health matters, and it shouldn’t come with a price tag. LINNER Hearing Test is 100% free, allowing you to assess your hearing without any financial commitment. Also, it is recommended to take a hearing test regularly.

Online and At home

Skip the clinic visits and lengthy appointments. With LINNER Hearing Test, you can conveniently take the test anytime, anywhere—from the comfort of your home, using just your device.

Product recommendation

Get personalized recommendations tailored to your hearing needs. From entry-level to advanced features, we’ll guide you to the best solutions based on your test results.

How to read an audiogram?

An audiogram is a visual representation of your hearing ability across different frequencies. The horizontal axis represents sound frequency (from low to high pitch), measured in Hertz (Hz), while the vertical axis shows sound intensity, measured in decibels (dB).

  • Frequency (Hz): Frequencies range from low-pitched sounds (250 Hz) like a bass drum to high-pitched sounds (8,000 Hz) like a bird chirping.
  • Intensity (dB): The decibel levels range from very soft sounds (0 dB) at the top to very loud sounds (120 dB) at the bottom. The lower the point on the graph, the louder the sound needed for you to hear it.

Your hearing thresholds are plotted on the graph, with symbols representing each ear:

  • Right Ear (O): Marked with red circles.
  • Left Ear (X): Marked with blue X's.

The closer the symbols are to the top of the graph, the better your hearing. A flat line across the top indicates normal hearing, while symbols lower on the chart indicate varying degrees of hearing loss.

Understanding your audiogram can help identify specific frequencies or intensity levels where you may have difficulty hearing. If you’re unsure, consult a hearing specialist to interpret your results.

How-to-Read-an-Audiogram-A-Guide-from-audiologists Linner
Free Hearing Test

聴力検査の読み方: 聴覚専門家によるガイド

聴力検査表を理解するのは、最初は少し難しいかもしれませんが、聴覚の健康に関心のある人にとっては欠かせないツールです。聴力検査表は、聴覚学者が人の聴力を視覚的に表すために使用します。この表の解釈方法を学ぶことで、自分や愛する人の難聴をよりよく理解できるようになります。このガイドでは、聴力検査表の読み方の基本を解説します。次回の聴覚検査のときに、より詳しい情報を得ることができます。 オージオグラムとは何ですか? オージオグラムは、聴力検査の結果を表示するグラフです。さまざまな周波数で聞こえる最も小さな音をデシベル (dB) とヘルツ (Hz) で測定して表示します。この結果は、聴覚学者が難聴の程度と種類を判断するのに役立ちます。 聴力検査の軸 水平軸(周波数(ヘルツ単位) - Hz): 横軸は音の周波数またはピッチを表し、左側の低周波 (250 Hz) から右側の高周波...

By Dr.Ashley Tilahun

Hearing Loss Case Study

This section is designed to provide real-world insights into how hearing loss develops, its effects on daily life, and the solutions available to address it. By sharing expert knowledge and practical examples, we aim to empower individuals with the information they need to take proactive steps toward improving their hearing health and overall quality of life.
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hearing aids

Navigating Single-Sided Deafness with Contralateral Hearing Loss and Hearing Aid: A Case Study of Mr. DennisBy: Ashley Tilahun, Au.D., CCC-A, FAAA

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投稿者: Ashley Tilahun、Au.D.、CCC-A、FAAA 抽象的な このケーススタディでは、55歳の男性、デニス氏*を取り上げます。デニス氏は両耳に難聴があり、右耳は先天性の重度難聴、左耳は正常から中等度の高周波感音難聴です。デニス氏は9年間にわたり、左耳の難聴の治療を求め、Starkey Halo 2 i2400 RIC、Widex Evoke Fusion 2 440 RIC、そして最終的にWidex SmartRIC...